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Choreographic show(entertainment) within the framework of the suburb of the creators in Strasbourg:
- October 03rd, 2015.

Mysterious, aquatic and poetic...
Live the night poetry...

At Present:

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Choreographic show(entertainment) within the framework of the suburb of the creators in Strasbourg:
- October 03rd, 2015.

Mysterious, aquatic and poetic...
Live the night poetry..

Coming soon.

Le 02 August 2014: « La dérive de l' orbe » "The orbe " choreographic performance and dance in water within the framework of the night-evenings (Dreams and lights) to the ecomuseum of Alsace to Ungersheim.

In June 26th and 27th, 2014: choreographic performance and of air dance within the framework of the opening of Fashion Days ( fashion show) in Strasbourg.

June 11th: " in my Airs " choreographic performance and air dance within the framework of the opening of Graffik Circus in Popartiserie in Strasbourg..

In April, 2014
2 éme period of Residence with two representations of the choreographic show(entertainment) and the danced circus.
From 6 years.
April 30th, 2014 in theater of PréO to Oberhausbergen,15H00 and 20H30.

" The impression of the flesh "
May 12th and 13th, 2014, show(entertainment) in the school frame(executive) in the theater of the school of Hochfelden.


Performances and shows(entertainments) created this day: >>> Show more

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- Minéral & Gem et Sainte- Marie- aux- Mines(Alsace/ france).
- Initiatives Evénements à Sainte- Marie- aux- Mines / European Carrefour
of the Patchwork.
- The park of Wesserling (Alsace/ france)..
- The CSC du Fossé des Treize at Strasbourg.
- The city of Bischwiller .
- The Kafteur (theater of humor) at Strasbourg.
- The Préo at Oberhausbergen (Alsace/ france).
- The ecomuseum Ungersheim Alsace.